Sokos Hotels once again the most sustainable hotel chain in Finland
Finnish consumers perceive the Sokos Hotels chain the most sustainable in its field in the Sustainable Brand Index study.
For the 12th time, Finns have rated Sokos Hotels as the most sustainable hotel chain brand. Sokos Hotels has a long-term cooperation with local operators for the benefit of the area. Particular attention has recently been paid to areas such as energy efficiency, water use, and the provision of local flavours produced in the vicinity of the hotel.
The recognition from the Finnish consumers is a matter of honor for us, states Jaana Matikainen, Vice President Development & Concepts at SOK Travel and Hospitality Industry Chain Management.
The work towards sustainability at Sokos Hotels is multifaceted and continuous. All Sokos Hotels are part of the Green Key programme which encourages businesses to improve their sustainability work each day. The chain has strived to reduce food waste already for years, there has been a significant reduction in single-use plastics and improvement in the efficiency of energy consumption. The restaurants have increased the proportion of Finnish produce, and procurement is driving the S Group's sustainability agenda. Sokos Hotels cooperate with local operators when it comes to construction, materials, food and travel-related activities. "Our sustainability work supports the S Group's Mission: Together we build a better place to live. One of our most important objectives is to achieve carbon-negativity during 2025," says Jaana Matikainen.
The European Sustainable Brand Index maps consumers' brand perception on sustainability
Sustainable Brand Index is based on research in which thousands of Finnish consumers evaluate Finland's largest brands from different industries. Sustainable Brand Index is Europe's largest independent brand study on sustainability and has been conducted in Finland already since 2013.
Brands are selected independently based on market share, turnover and general brand awareness. Brands cannot choose to be included or excluded from the study. The study also analyses trends and drivers of sustainable consumption.
Read more about Sustainable Brand Index research and implementation: https://www.sb-insight.com/sbi-finland
Read more about S Group's responsibility at s-ryhma.fi: https://s-ryhma.fi/en/sustainability