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Responsibility in Vaakuna Pori


Vaakuna Pori is a responsibly operating hotel that has received the Green Key and STF marks for meritorious work for sustainable tourism.

Green Key

Our hotel is committed to taking into account the well-being of the environment in its operations. As proof of this, Pori's Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna has been awarded the Green Key label. Green Key is an international environmental label that promotes sustainable tourism. With environmentally certified hotels, travelers have even better opportunities to make environmentally sustainable choices and reduce their own carbon footprint.

Read more about the Green Key environmental label >>

Sustainable Travel Finland

Visit Finland has awarded Pori's Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna with the Sustainable Travel Finland mark as proof of valuable and long-term work for sustainable tourism.

Sustainable Travel Finland is a national sustainable tourism program managed by Visit Finland, which takes ecological, socio-cultural and economic sustainability into account. Companies that have received the mark meet the criteria based on these values.

Actions for the environment and responsibility are made every day in Pori Vaakuna's everyday life, for example in the following ways:

  • We use waterless cleaning in our rooms.
  • We try to minimize the amount of paper printing.
  • We obviously lend bicycles to customers
  • We have moved to larger order sizes for breakfast
  • In our saunas, we use long-lasting cups instead of disposable cups
  • In our conference catering, we only use domestic products, from coffee to oat milk and pretzels, and we use a variety of local superfoods, sea buckthorn

Applying for the Sustainable Travel Finland label was a natural continuation of the hotel's environmentally friendly activities. The well-being of people, nature and our own province is the starting point for Satakunta Cooperative's entire operation. Various efforts have been made for this for a long time.

"The application process for the Sustainable Travel Finland label is continuous and takes our environment into account in many ways. At the same time, it creates operational guidelines for our hotel to manage the label's criteria," says hotel manager Riina Kuusijoensuu. "This recognition is an important proof for us that we do the right things together with the staff and customers. The staff is encouraged to act environmentally friendly every day and new employees are regularly trained. Our goal is that responsibility is reflected in concrete things and actions in the hotel." Read more about the STF label >>

Icehearts collaboration

Icehearts is an operating model of team sports for the benefit of the child and to support social work, school and free time. Icehearts activities prevent incompetence and promote human well-being, social skills and support the smoothness of going to school.

Pori's Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna has chosen young people and youth support activities as its target to help.

"Icehearts is a Satakunta operating model from the beginning, and we, as a local operator, also want to support Satakunta charity," says Riina Kuusijoensuu, hotel manager of Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna. "Our values ​​are also realized in the operations of Icehearts: we want to be a good, responsible operator in Satakunta. It is important that the values ​​become concrete in real actions," Kuusijoensuu continues.

In a cooperative manner, our customers also get to participate in doing good - and in a very tasty way. Pori's Amarillo and Rosso alternate as IceHearts cooperating restaurants. Rosso's rustic pizzas and Amarillo's Icehearts burger alternately accumulate one euro per product purchased for the Icehearts donation. We also have Icehearts tube scarves for sale in the minibars.

Read more about Icehearts activity >>