
The furry friends of our hotel guests are also welcome at Original Sokos Hotel Kupittaa!
Pet-room reservations can be made directly from hotel or through our website. If you book your room through other channels (Booking.com/Expedia), please inform hotel about your pet by calling our reception or by email.
If you book superior room, please confirm directly from hotel due to limited availability.
One can also enjoy hotel breakfast in Deli with a pet and enjoy the atmosphere in Kuppis Rooftop Bar terrace!
There is a nice park near the hotel and from our reception you can get a map and more information about pet-friendly outdoor areas.
The pet fee is 15€ per room per night. If you are a S-Card -customer, can your pet friend stay with you free of charge (when the rate is allowing S-Card benefits, exluding S-Card reward nights).