
Arrival by plane:
The bus traffic between Rovaniemi city centre and airport is operated by Airport Taxi Rovaniemi. The shuttle bus leaves from right in front of the terminal or hotel and no advance ticket is needed.
Prices, timetables and more information on Airport Taxi`s website.
Taxis that operate in and around Rovaniemi will be available at the taxi stand in front of terminal when flights are arriving and departing. If you want to ensure your ride or if you have special wishes, you can also book your taxi in advance from number +358 100 7300.
Arriving by train:
From the train station you can reach the hotel by taxi or on foot. Taxis operating in the Rovaniemi area are at the station taxi station whenever a train arrives. If you want to make sure you have a ride or you have special requests, you can also order a taxi in advance at +358 100 7300.
The train station is about a 25-minute walk to the original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna in Rovaniemi. Walk along Ratakatu 300 meters and continue straight along the Lapinkävijäntie road 400 m towards the center. Turn right, go for a footbridge over 150 meters and turn left to Poromiehentie. Walk 300 meters and turn right Koskikatu. Continue straight down the street down to 450 meters and you are there.
Arriving by bus:
From the bus station you can reach the hotel by taxi or on foot. Taxis at the bus station at the taxi station at Rovaniemi are always available. If you want to have a ride or you have special requests, you can also order a taxi in advance at +358 100 7300.
From the bus station there is a 20-minute walk to the Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna in Rovaniemi. Walk from the bus station along the Lapinkävijäntie 400m towards the center and turn right. Go over the pedestrian bridge 150 meters and turn left to Poromiehentie. Walk 300 meters and turn right onto Koskikatu. Continue straight down the street down 450 meters and you are there.