
Parking at the hotel
Vapaudenkatu –parking garage:
- Entrance: Vapaudenkatu 13. Please ring the doorbell. Marked spaces with Seurahuone –logos, 1 & 2. levels.
- Price: 21€/night
- How to get to the hotel? Follow reception –signs. Please inform us your parking space number or registration number to the reception.
- Heated hall
- Parking spaces limited, no advance booking
- Four electric car charging points for our hotel guests, operating Virta app
- Drive-in height max 2.60 m
- Two parking spaces for disabled persons near the entrance. To be paid at the reception.
Hämeenkatu –parking garage:
- Entrance: Hämeenkatu 22, parking spaces level 3
- Price: 21€/night
- How to get to the hotel? Go straight through Sokos -department store. Hotel reception is located across the street. When department store is closed, use the main entrance to go around the building to find the reception. Please inform us your registration number.
- Heated hall
- Parking spaces limited, no advance booking
- Five electric car charging points for our hotel guests, operating Virta app
- Drive-in height max 2.05 m