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Travel details

Driving instructions

From the south:

1. After the bridge, take the sec­ond street to the left (Kaup­pakatu).

2. Take the first street to the right (Louhenkatu) where you will see a sign for the hotel's park­ing area.

From the north:

1. Drive the main street (Po­hjolankatu) to the south to the city cen­tre.

2. After the traf­fic lights, take the first gates on the right (at the gate, there are signs lead­ing to the park­ing area)


Kuo­pio Air­port is lo­cated 70 km from Iisalmi. For more de­tails on trans­port, please visit http://​www.​matkasavo.​fi.

Railway station

To the rail­way sta­tion 0,5 km.

Orig­i­nal Sokos Hotel Koljon­virta is easy to get to from the train sta­tion! Fol­low Savonkatu street up­hill from the train sta­tion for about 500 me­tres until you come to the Louhenkatu cross­ing, where you should turn left. Con­tinue down­wards along Louhenkatu for a lit­tle, and you will find our hotel's en­trance on the left-hand side of the street.


To the port 0,5 km.

The dis­tance from the har­bour to the hotel is 250 me­tres. Head right along Veikonkatu for 300 me­tres, then turn left onto Ri­is­takatu and con­tinue until you reach the mar­ket square. If you are on foot, you can cross the square di­ag­o­nally to Louhenkatu, which also has an en­trance to the hotel. If you are dri­ving, you can turn right onto Kaup­pakatu im­me­di­ately after the square and then left onto Louhenkatu, on which the en­trance to the hotel's park­ing space is lo­cated.

Bus station

To the bus sta­tion 0,2 km.

Leave the bus sta­tion (Kaup­pakatu 18) to the left to­wards Louhenkatu street. After the R-kioski on Kaup­pakatu, turn right onto Louhenkatu, which is a street on an up­ward slope. Walk along Louhenkatu, and you will find our hotel on the right-hand side of the street.

You can also turn right from the bus sta­tion to­wards Po­hjolankatu. Turn left onto Po­hjolankatu and fol­low it up­hill. From Po­hjolankatu, you will see the hotel's court­yard on the left, which is where you will find the hotel en­trance.