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Celebrating 2023 successes

Last year was successful. Customer satisfaction peaked and staff satisfaction was at an excellent level. Our most successful hotel employees of 2023 received recognition during the Travel Trade Days at Original Sokos Hotel Puijonsarvi in Kuopio.

Release 17.4.2024

A successful customer experience is key to building long-term competitiveness in the hospitality industry. Excellent customer satisfaction creates customer loyalty and willingness to recommend. Creating happiness for our guests has been an essential element in the customer experience in the Sokos Hotels chain already for years. This year, customer satisfaction rose to new highs. This is the result of professional personnel who are committed to and enjoy their customer service work.

- We saw numerous instances where our staff and entire teams succeeded, time and time again, in exceeding the expectations of our guests. The importance of the service in hotel work is constantly emphasized, and our skilled staff was again able to meet these expectations, says Jaana Matikainen, Vice President Development & Concepts, SOK Travel and Hospitality Industry Chain Management.

The S Group rewarded the best of its brilliant Sokos Hotels employees at the Travel Trade Days. The award criteria focused on customer experience, employee experience and the development from the previous year. The importance of sustainability work in the hospitality industry is also increasing, and this year, for the first time, Sokos Hotels awarded the Sustainability Act of the Year.

- Hotel Manager of the Year, Jasmin Korpinen, is a model example of a fine young professional who has contributed to the success of the iconic Helsinki Solo Sokos Hotel Torni. Guest expectations regarding service at Torni are high, but under Jasmin's leadership, the work of the entire reception staff and the service have been excellent – the hotel is the rising star of the year when it comes to customer satisfaction. Also worthy of special mention is Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna in Kouvola, where a successful redesign has elevated the pink beauty to new heights. Jaana extends her congratulations to General Manager Pasi Pekkanen and his entire team.

Achieving success is the result of cooperation

Despite individual rewards, Jaana wishes to emphasize that every employee of the Sokos Hotels chain has earned recognition.

- Even at this time of great upheavals in the world, we focus on what is important and empowering: creating happiness and performing miraculous deeds for our hotel guests, on a daily basis. All this can be contributed to the teamwork of our staff.

- We appreciate the active and enthusiastic participation in the joint development of our hotels and the introduction of new services to our guests. This is not only co-development, but also self-development.

A constantly evolving 50-year-old

Sokos Hotels – Finland's most trusted, responsible and respected hotel brand – is celebrating half a century this year. This long and successful journey has been made possible by our guests and staff. Jaana finds the theme of the jubilee year, There is no party without guests, very apt, as Sokos Hotels has always put their customers first.

- We continue to rely on our cornerstone, investing in the customer experience by continuing the development of services, concepts and new digital solutions for our customers' use. Our four contemporary hotel types, Original, Break, Solo and Heymo always offer our guests new experiences, Jaana describes.

The fast-paced refurbishing of the Sokos Hotels chain will continue this year. The grand opening of Original Sokos Hotel Royal was held in Vaasa in April. Break Sokos Hotel Bomba in Nurmes will introduce a magnificent new expansion in June. At the beginning of the autumn, the unique Sokos Sokos Hotel Pier 4 will open in Katajanokka, Helsinki, and Break Sokos Hotel Tahko in Tahkovuori will have a magnificent additional wing at the end of the year.

Recognitions for achievements in 2023

- S-Boss of the Year: Hotel Manager Jasmin Korpinen, Solo Sokos Hotel Torni, Helsinki, Sokotel Oy

- Salesperson of the Year: Iris Kiviharju, SOK Travel and Hospitality Industry Chain Management

- Revenue Manager of the Year: Stefan Storing, Turku Cooperative Society

- Happiness Creators of the Year, hotels: Heidi Uusitalo, Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna, Vaasa, KPO Cooperative Society and Katariina Kaisla, Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna, Pori, Satakunta Cooperative Society and Break Sokos Hotel Flamingo Team, Sokotel Oy

- Happiness Creators of the Year, sales service: Johanna Salonen, KSO Sales Service Centre, Kymen Seutu Cooperative Society

- Hotel of the Year 2023: Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna, Kouvola, Kymen Seutu Cooperative Society

- Conference Hotel of the Year: Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna, Kouvola, Kymen Seutu Cooperative Society

- Mystery Shopping Break: Break Sokos Hotel Tahko, PeeÄssä Cooperative Society

- Mystery Shopping Solo: Solo Sokos Hotel Paviljonki, Keskimaa Cooperative Society

- Mystery Shopping Original: Original Sokos Hotel Puijonsarvi, PeeÄssä Cooperative Society

- Best NPS Break: Break Sokos Hotel Levi, Arina Cooperative Society

- Best NPS Original: Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna, Kouvola, Kymen Seutu Cooperative Society

- Best NPS Solo: Solo Sokos Hotel Turun Seurahuone, Turku Cooperative Society

- Best NPS in chain: Solo Sokos Hotel Turun Seurahuone, Turku Cooperative Society

- Best NPS development: Solo Sokos Hotel Helsinki, Sokotel Oy

- Sustainability Act of the Year: Original Sokos Hotel Kupittaa, Turku Cooperative Society